Anno 1701 Map Editor

  1. Microsoft Windows

Anno 1701, also marketed as 1701 A.D., is a real time strategy and city building video game. It includes new features, new missions, and a map editor. Anno 1701, also marketed as 1701 A.D., is a real time strategy and city building video game. It includes new features, new missions, and a map editor.

The Pioneering spirit lives on. The Anno games are a strategy series that offer a mix of real time strategy, city building and business simulation - a pioneering adventure that throws you into a whole new world to conquer through wit and planning, not by the sword alone.

Your own world! With Anno 1602 A.D. Back on our PCs - we're ready to continue our quantum leap across the ages. Again hands you your own ship with minimal provisions and leaves you to turn it into a bustling island nation, or to wither away trying.

Microsoft Windows

Microsoft Windows

Scout out the perfect island to start your brave new colony (your very own Plymouth!), check for fertile lands and mineral-rich surroundings, then begin your conquest of nature and international relations whilst keeping your growing nation happy. While the core and soul of the game remains true to its predecessor, your startup nation has never looked better. The games comes complete with the 'Treasures, Monsters & Pirates' expansion pack! Jump forward two centuries, and though the world and technology have changed, the true pioneering spirit lives on in: welcome to a bigger, better, more three dimensional world!

The Anno series has always required a thirst for discovery - even as far as just learning the game itself. That's why Anno 1701 A.D. Is out to ease you into its many facets. This time around you will be conquering the wild and tropical islands of the Caribbean, all the while juggling your relationships with pirate warlords and enterprising European nations. Expand your nation and possibilities with 'The Sunken Dragon' expansion pack, featuring plenty of new content and a custom map editor which just happens to be about half the fun.

Exploration, trading, resource management, diplomacy - and combat, should you need it - the Pioneer's spirit lives on in the. Available now, DRM-free on, the launch discount will last for one week, until Wednesday, August 19, 12:59 PM GMT. Nirth: Lol, you weren't kidding! Steam CEG, uPlay and Tages. Is this a record?

I know GTA requires social club and I think the 4th one required GFWL as well but those are peanuts compared to uPlay and Tages. Personally I'm not interested in 2070 but I really hope it arrives here completely DRM-free. I think GTA IV inches it out because it has Steam, Social Club, GFWL and SecuROM (though Steam isn't included in the retail version). As for which game causes more headaches, I wouldn't know.I won't touch either with a 10 foot barge pole.