12 Template Features
Failed to find the XML file at location '12 Template Features EawfSite feature.xml' Monday. Do yo usee the EawfSite inside the Features folder?
This seems like web parts links page is still referencing one of the previously installed feature – “FilterByLocationDropDownList”. This may have happened because feature never been uninstalled on the site and there might be still lingering references in SharePointConfig database. If you come across this issue, follow these steps to clean up the system. Step – 1 In the WFE 12 Template Features folder on all the WFE servers, copy any feature folder and rename it to which causing an error message on the Workflow pages. Once you create the folder, if you refresh the workflow page, errors should be cleaned up and work flow page should work now. Step – 2 Run the following query to get the corrupt feature ID. Search for:.
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