Interactive Heat Transfer 4.0

Aug 24, 2017 Interactive Heat Transfer. Versions: 4.0 and 3.0. File name: IHT32.exe.

  1. Interactive Heat Transfer (iht)
  2. Interactive Heat Transfer 4.0/feht
  3. Interactive Heat Transfer Software 4.0

. Title. Interactive heat transfer 3.0 (IHT 3.0) /​ developed by Intellipro; Finite element heat transfer (FEHT) /​ developed by F-Chart Software.

Interactive Heat Transfer 4.0

Also Titled. Title printed on disc label: Software tools to accompany Fundamentals of heat and mass transfer, sixth edition and Introduction to heat transfer, fifth edition /​ Incropera, DeWitt, Bergman, Lavine. Other Creators. Incropera, Frank P. Fundamentals of heat and mass transfer.

Incropera, Frank P. Introduction to heat transfer. Incropera, Frank P. Finite element heat transfer (FEHT). IntelliPro. F-Chart Software. Published.

New York: John Wiley, 2007. Medium. electronic resource Physical Description. 1 CD-ROM; 4 3/​4 in. Subjects. Technical Details. System requirements: Windows XP/​2000 with at least 256MB of memory and 15MB of available hard drive space.


Interactive heat transfer (iht)

Language. English ISBN.

047176115X Libraries Australia ID. Contributed by Get this edition.

Interactive heat transfer 4.0 free download interactive heat transfer 4.0 Solver shows a group of Heat Transfer problems with solutions. It Solves Heat Transfer BVP, IVP, IP problems.

Interactive Heat Transfer (iht)

Source code Output files are included. Interactive heat transfer 4.0 Description The source codes are short; less then 100 lines.

Interactive Heat Transfer 4.0/feht

Interactive heat transfer (iht) software

Interactive Heat Transfer Software 4.0

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