Windows 10 Pt Winteam


Microsoft Windows 8.1 PRO Update 2014 X64 PT-PT-WiNTeaM 4.166 GB FICHEIRO: ppwindows81u1provlx64.iso TAMANHO: 4,16 GB (4 473 206 784 bytes) CRC32: A2A443F8 MD5: C887FF002A205B00FF2C91E3ED284D6A SHA-1: 3E7B09BA1DA731ED332BD971173B7C NFO Windows 8.1 Update 2014 Fully in Portuguese of Portugal. Installation: Burn the ISO to a DVD or a USB stick. How to Create a Windows 8.1 installation pen Credits: Pplware activation: Google is friend (hint: Toolkit 2.5) Minimum Requirements: 1GHz processor (32- or 64-bit) 1GB RAM (2GB for x64) 16 Gb free space on the disk. 128MB video card with support for DX9. A reader / DVD-R / W recorder or USB port.

NoWay @ WiNTeaM.

Windows 10 Pt Winteam

Winteam Software Download

FICHEIRO: windows_10_aio_v1511_pt_winteam.iso TAMANHO: 4,61 GB (4 959 078 400 bytes) CRC32: 0B76134D MD5: 3674E3EE2D90A2C82D46D8 SHA-1. FICHEIRO: windows_10_aio_v1511_pt_winteam.iso TAMANHO: 4,61 GB (4 959 078 400 bytes) CRC32: 0B76134D MD5: 3674E3EE2D90A2C82D46D8 SHA-1.