Adobe Premiere Titler
You can add text and title overlays in your Adobe Premiere project using the Titler tool. The tool allows you to create and save multiple text and title overlays in one project, as well as to create a title overlay for your video title, create additional annotations to display throughout the video, and create the credits display for the end of the production. Add saved titles and text overlays to your production by simply dragging and dropping the overlay in the video timeline where you want the text to appear.

Adobe Premiere Title Safe
Sep 25, 2013 In Premiere Pro, there is an icon in Titler, New Title Based on Current, that does the same thing, and the user will be required to name that new Title. Again, it can be edited, as necessary. In Titler, everything that one sees is an Object, whether it is a Type Object, or a Shape Object (which can be a Line, as well).
Adobe Premiere Title Tool
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