17 Attraction Triggers Pdf

From Renee Wade Hey my lovely friend! I know your time is precious and valuable, so let’s get straight to the point. This is not your typical dating advice website where you find cheap common-place dating or relationship advice your school friends could have given you. This site will teach you something very different; something very POWERFUL. So before I go on, I must give you this WARNING. This isn’t like those other dating / relationship advice websites out there pushing useless advice that tells you that you should or shouldn't do something so that you can attract a man.

If that is what you’re looking for, then move on. This site is not for you.

Listen up, with this knowledge comes responsibility, and this information should definitely be handled with extreme care. Ok, so let’s get into it My name is Renee Wade, and I would like to help you become twice as attractive as you are now in the eyes of men, and have hypnotic and mesmerizing influence over any man.

17 renee wade.pdf FREE PDF DOWNLOAD NOW. Related searches for 17 renee wade 17 ATTRACTION TRIGGERS RENEE WADE. Renee Wade Scam Renee Wade Blog Renee Leigh Wade. Understanding I am about to give you in these 17 Attraction Triggers. And if you never buy another program from us again, make a commitment to. Do you know what works and what doesn’t when it comes to making a man feel an intense level of attraction for you? 17 Attraction Triggers Review.pdf Free Download.

As crazy as that sounds, it is VERY true. So make sure you pay full attention. Did you knowevery single man on earth has genetically pre-programmed cues and triggers for attraction?

(It’s hard-wired into every male on the planet and if you are not using these attraction triggers, then you are losing to someone else who is!). And if you haven't heard about these “hardwired” male triggers Then don’t worry, neither did I until my “fat and dateless” friend Lisa explained them carefully to me. Now I’m not talking about cheap relationship advice like “make sure you have things in common”, or “what to say to men to make them like you”, I’m talking 'Instant Attraction Triggers' that will literally make men tremble with desire for you.

(Imagine that!) And so when you hear about Lisa’s roller-coaster story, you would probably do exactly the same as what I did (and that is – pick her brains to find out all the juicy details!!!). Lisa was this shy, nerdy and overweight girl back in high school. In fact, she was somewhat unpopular; she didn’t have many friends especially guy friends.

And none of the guys wanted to speak to her. (You know what guys can be like; they don’t want to speak to the unpopular, overweight girls, especially in high school.) So when I met up with Lisa many years later after school, and I was shocked to see her! I did not even recognize her! She had turned herself around 180 degrees and was now an absolute Bombshell I was completely blown away by her transformation.

As any normal curious human being would I asked her how she went from this unattractive boring-looking girl to this hot, seductive temptress. She said this to me “The only difference between how I am now, and how I was back in high school, is that NOW I understand what makes women attractive to men and what really captures a man’s attention AND his heart. It’s all about the science of ‘Evolutionary Psychology’.”.

Evolutionary Psychology? I was a little bit confused She went on to explain how evolution has hardwired men to react to certain “Attraction Triggers”. These triggers are instinctive cues for men to perk up and get excited.

And once you know how to “USE” these Attraction Triggers, then men will automatically feel attracted to you on a gut level, and sometimes they won’t even know why! You see, at that time, I realized that Lisa has something that a lot of women are missing, and that is choice. The choice of whom she wants to date and be in a relationship with. (Because now, men are lining up just to spend some time with her!) So we spent the next three hours in Starbucks in deep discussion, with me picking her brains to find every single little detail about these “Attraction Triggers”. I wrote everything down feverishly, not wanting to miss a single word And (Jeez) was I shocked to hear what these triggers are!!?! I knew instinctively that they were true, but still sometimes, it’s the truth that is the most shocking to hear.

Or maybe you will be “turning heads” so fast that men will strain their necks to notice your every move. But seriouslyhere’s how powerful these attraction triggers are to men. (and keep in mind that scientific studies have literally proved these attraction triggers again and again without fail) If you are dating right now, and you are in a social situation where there is another woman who is using these attraction triggers (and you are not), then you will lose a man’s attention to her every single time without fail!

Because men are genetically hardwired to pay more attention to these triggers! Lisa was scared of being her true self for many years, in fear that she will be judged for being a woman!

How crazy is that!? But that’s how women feel these days, right?! How many times have you seen or heard of women who are uncomfortablejust BEING THEMSELVES? It’s almost like as if they don’t have their own permission to be themselves Perhaps you know someone, intimately, who has done this?! YOU?) Well, really it isn’t your fault. Sometimes, by being an authentic woman, you can really get yourself into dangerous situations if you were to bring attention onto yourself. (I’m sure you know other women who have been taken advantage of!).

You see, men have preyed on women for as long as we’ve been around on this Earth. (Not all men, thank god!) So it’s totally justified to not be comfortable being a woman. But here’s the problem if you’re not comfortable being a woman, (and men are attracted to women), then how are you going to be able to attract men? How will you be seen as attractive to men?

How will men find you desirable? So it’s time for you to get in touch with your true feminine side again and be ok with the fact that you ARE a beautiful woman. And of course, it’s very important for you to stay safe, but don’t let that stop you from being the woman that men are attracted to. Many women today live a very masculine life. They take on a masculine job, speak in a masculine tone of voice and act and hold themselves as if they are competing with other men.

There’s nothing wrong with this by the way, it’s our birthright to achieve the results we want; just as good and better results than me are. However being in the masculine energy will instantly kill the attraction that most men will feel for you. Because they’ll feel like you’re just like another “guy” friend and there would simply be no polarity. For attraction to occur between a man and a woman, there has to be the masculine-feminine polarity.

Mahjong games windows xp. And without it, you can still be great friendsbut achieving attractionis impossible. So most of us women (who have learnt to get a good paying job, secure that careeretc) need to come back to our feminine core and spirit. It’s that femininity that sometimes we have lost touch with that will be most attractive to men.

This is not to say we need to give up our career, it just means that you can’t always live in your masculine mode all the time. You have to achieve a balance between femininity and getting results in your career/business. You see we live in a society where most of us are utterly confused!

Research shows that all of us are being bombarded with over 10,000 sales messages every single day. No wonder sometimes we get unsure about what to do! There’s simply too much clutter around us! Have you noticed that common-sense has become rather uncommon? And worst still, a lot of us women have lost our natural “womanly” intuition and we are confused about what actually makes men attracted to us and what doesn’t make men attracted to us. With all the assault of advertising in this 21st century, they've really tried to confuse us and keep us feeling insecure so that we collapse under their control.

(I’m talking about the media here, the big corporate industries who only care about their bottom line of sales). It’s time for us women to take back control and empower ourselves. It’s time for us to re-discover these “Natural Attraction Triggers” that men are genetically hardwired to react to. Once we discover and put these “Natural Attraction Triggers” to use, us (the lucky ones) will never run out of men who are attracted to us, who want to be in committed relationships with us, and want to take care of us for life. And by the way, you don’t have to be “physically gifted”. Attraction Triggers work regardless of who you are, (or who you’re NOT), your age, your height and weight, regardless of whether you think you have the ability to attract men or not. They work because it is genetically hardwired in men to seek out these specific triggers.

These “Attraction Triggers” are like nature’s scientific laws, as consistent and as reliable as the law of gravity. It doesn’t matter if you apply them, or I apply them, they will work. And if you do apply them, then they will work for you also. And most importantly would you commit your precious resources and energy to a woman whom you’re only so-so attracted to? Or would you go for a woman you’d truly call a goddess?

The answer I think is obvious. At the end of the day, attraction is everything. Having the power to trigger attraction, you will have the men of your choice, and you will have his attention, desire and presence.

Without the power to trigger attraction, you will sadly watch that Mr. Right leave with another woman, as you become the target for bottom dwelling jerks and losers. So naturally the question becomes, what does it take to attract a good man? And not just some sleaze bag, loser or jerk? The answer should be obvious an attractive and radiant woman is needed to attract a good man.

But here’s the good news No matter how unattractive you have felt in the past, or how little confidence you have with men, YOU can become that radiant and attractive woman whom men call a goddess. It’s not difficult, but you have to understand this Men have attraction hot buttons. There are certain attraction triggers that cause a man to instantly feel desire and attraction for you at a gut level. It doesn’t matter what age a man is, or what cultural background, ethnicity or education, these hot triggers will always work to get his blood pumping uncontrollably under his skin. It’s because these certain attraction triggers are hardwired into a man’s nervous system. This literally means that men are designed to look for these triggers whenever they meet a woman. Men will even consciously or subconsciously rate a woman upon the presence of these attraction triggers.

So the point is, in order to capture a man’s attention and get him to FEEL attraction for you, you have to make good use of these triggers that I’m about to show you. Look, I’m not here to tell you that it’s your fault if you’ve ever experienced pain with men. The truth is, I believe you are already a goddess inside and out. I believe you are already a beautiful soul and a beautiful spirit deep down inside. It may not always show up from moment to moment, but it is inside of you. And you don’t ever have to change that! But the problem is, too many women today don’t know how to push a man’s attraction hot buttons and emotional hot buttons.

They don’t understand these important facts about men, about dating and relationship. In my opinion, women today, rely too much on getting advice from other women whom have dysfunctional relationships themselves! Not only do they not get the right information, they get influenced by women with the wrong types of information and knowledge. This is, in my honest belief, the primary reason why women have problems and pain with men, dating and relationships.

By the way, this is also why I do what I do! I have made it my mission and my life’s goal to share with women, these important pieces of knowledge and information so that they can easily capture a man’s attention, get him to desire her, fall in love with her, and ultimately be lifelong committed to her. So this is why I’ve put this together for you. I’ve spent dozens of hours looking for the most powerful attraction triggers that will instantly get a man’s heart pumping for you. So far, I have found 17 of these triggers. There may be more, there may not be, but regardless I want to show you what these triggers are Now, don’t be fooled into thinking that you need to embody all 17 of these Attraction Triggers to be remotely attractive that is simply not true. All you need is to work on 2 or 3 of these at any one time and I can guarantee you will have twice the level of desirability and attention from men.

It’s not rocket science, it’s the science of attraction. I write to you every once in a while and always seem to get your assistant, but this is something that is meant for you specifically.

Especially because it is so personal for me. I started reading your blog almost a year ago and it has completely changed my life. And not just in the dating sense, but with myself as well. I'm closer with my family, I have let go of friends who only wanted to take from me, and I have found new friends that I can openly share my love with and who always support me!

A couple of weeks ago my cousin was killed. He was crossing the street and was hit by a drunk driver.

The grief has been overwhelming. My dad's side of the family lives all the way on the other side of the country, so I wasn't able to go visit them or go to the funeral. At first I felt very alone, because no one here shared my grief, but it took me about a day to realize that I'm not. If this had happened a year ago, I wouldn't have been able to handle it.

I would have spiraled down into this abyss that would have probably been impossible to get out of. I was so out of touch with my emotions and so unable to open up to ANYONE. Family, friends, or men.

I feel like I stumbled across your blog for a reason. And I think it was to be able to help me through the loss of someone who was so important to me.

The pain and hurt are here, and will be for a long time, but I am in a place where I can open up to my friends and family. And I am fully able to trust them now and that is something I've never had before. It's a long and different story, but the way I was raised. It wasn't okay to be emotional: to cry, get angry, or even be really happy.

You have changed all this for me. I am a completely different person. I'm not as scared anymore of not being loved. I can show affection without fear of retaliation.

I am physically able to cry in front of my closest friends now (a year ago, I couldn't even cry when I was by myself). You've changed my life. You've helped me to accept my feelings and grief instead of shutting them into a box that would surely explode later. It is still very difficult for me, but I don't run away anymore and I am growing every day.

And I really wanted to take the time to tell you how much of an impact you have had on me! I feel like I owe you so much, and if I could give you as much happiness, security, and love as you have given to me, I would in a heartbeat! What you do matters. Ok, so I’ve put these 17 Attraction Triggers together for you in one easy to read book.

I will walk you through what these triggers are, WHY they work, and also the KEY actions steps to take you from a bashful beginner to a foxy bombshell. Now before I let you have it, I must give you a warning This is not for everyone. If you think you are already have the knowledge and skills to find and most importantly KEEP a good man by yourself, then you probably don’t need this. After all, you doing great for yourself. But in my experience helping and coaching thousands of women in the last several years, more than 95% of women don’t truly understand what makes a man tick, what a man’s emotional hot buttons are, and what makes him truly fall in love with you.

So what you will truly need, is treasure map of how to instantly become desirable to the man of your choice, push their attraction buttons and have them invested in you. You are not alone. Men are hard to understand, not because they’re complex like us women, but because they’re built totally different to us. Because of this, it is very easy to find that there are no more “good” men out there, and instead, attract losers, jerks and men with “big” life problems.

Look, here’s the truth. Any woman can attract jerks. There’s no skill needed! Very few women can attract high quality men who are committed and loyal.

17 Attraction Triggers Pdf

I used to think that the difference was some women were just born luckier, or born more beautiful but looking around me, I quickly realised this was not true. In fact, this is FAR from the truth. There were so many beautiful women who get dumped by men, and end up growing old alone. Think Halle Berry, think Meg Ryan, think Jennifer Aniston.

Yet there were these other average looking women whom seem to be able to attract and keep a committed man. What is the difference?

It’s that this small percentage of women know how to push a man’s attraction hot buttons and emotional hot buttons! Keep this though in your head “how to push a man’s attraction hot buttons and emotional hot buttons!” This is the knowledge that I want to share with you. So you’re probably wondering how much do I have to pay to have this?

Well how much WOULD you pay for having a hypnotic influence over men? How much would you pay for having a loyal man by your side, feeling attracted to you, wanting to be with you, and protect you?

How much would you pay for knowing with certainty that you will always have endless options with men, and that they won’t take you for granted? How much would you pay for having the skills and knowledge to build a safe yet passionate relationship that all your girlfriends envy?

I know this is stupid, but look. I’ve had celebrities, high end lawyers and doctors pay me over $1,000 an hour for my coaching and advice. I’ve turned down more interview and consultation offers than I would like to remember. The truth is when I send you this ebook, it doesn’t cost me very much because it’s a digital delivery. There’s no ink, no paper, no delivery man. That’s why, I want you to have this “17 Attraction Triggers” ebook for just $7. Look, here’s the thing.

I can’t promise you this price will remain tomorrow, or the next day. The nature of internet businesses is that we need to test prices often.

So if you also think I’m stupid for making this offer, then take me up on it before it’s truly gone. Ok I’ll confess.

There is a catch. I’ve made it only at $7 because it is my little “bribe” for you to also try out my amazing monthly program – Attraction Control Monthly. (I’ve made the first month free for you to try!) As you would probably agree, attraction is one of the most important elements to anyone’s love life. With an abundance of attraction in your life, you will feel happier, more confident and enjoy every single relationship you have.

You will be able to attract strong and caring types of men into your life and repel insecure men. Without attraction, a relationship simply dissipates in to a friendship. Without lasting attraction in a relationship, passion will wane. If you lack attraction in your life, then you will feel miserable inside, have no self esteem and worst of all, you’ll attract insecure, selfish people. So this is why my man David and I have created this coaching program. Attraction Control Monthly is a comprehensive, ongoing monthly coaching program, giving you the education and training to build long-lasting magnetic attraction in your own life. Contrary to popular belief, attraction is something that can be maintained and created.

You absolutely do not have to lose that spark. People think it dissipates and they can’t do anything about it.

Well, usually, these are the people who have never experienced lasting attraction and passion for themselves, and they usually do not have the best tools and skills to use to actually create and maintain attraction. In our society, we are not given any necessary tools, and we are not given any necessary insights in to how women and men work, and how to maintain a long-term relationship. Worse still – humans are not actually designed to be in long-term relationships. We are designed to pro-create and experience passion. So, what actually creates and maintains attraction with a man is something that is counter-intuitive.

If you are like the majority of women in this world, you will never be taught what truly creates attraction. Think about it, people don't teach you that!

I don’t want you to be among this group of average people who end up in pain and suffering. At the end of the day, that is why I even made this program. Whether you’re single right now, in a “complicated” relationship or a committed relationship, it is essential for you to learn how to create and maintain attraction for life. Attraction Control Monthly is the ONLY training program on the market to help you create this gut level attraction in your life. So this is a one-of-a-kind coaching program and I guarantee you’ll love it!


Now read this carefully, this is how it works When you place your secure order for your copy of “17 Attraction Triggers” Ebook, you will also receive the first volume of ACM (Attraction Control Monthly) for free. The first volume is called “Attraction is Not Your Choice”. We’ll look into the paradox of attraction and why sometimes attraction and relationships don’t work out. In other words, what we sometimes think will create attraction doesn't, and in fact backfires.

The reason here is because as a woman, you're probably stuck in your feminine thinking, and find it hard to see it from a man's point of view. Now, if you like this comprehensive coaching program – Attraction Control Monthly, then do nothing and stay subscribed. A new training volume will be sent directly to you every single month, and we will bill you $29 monthly (Worth real world value of $50 per volume). There are 12 months in total. Each month we tackle a new facet of attraction and keeping a man committed to you.

If you don’t want to continue Attraction Control Monthly for any reason at all, it’s super easy to cancel. Just email me, contact me via my helpdesk, or call me. Just let me know somehow and I’ll take you right off the list and stop the billing. No hard feelings, we can still be friends and you can keep all the material you’ve received so far. Wow this was such an eye opener!

I never realized that this could be damaging to my relations with men until I read this. I stepped back and really thought about it for a while and all the moments my guy pulled away just clicked! You are really opening my eyes to things I never would have guessed.

And every single piece of advice you give, I try out, and it has all worked! I have told tons of my girlfriends about your blog and I'm sure they will get the same results as me Again, a big thanks for what you do! I want to do one of your programs, but I am a broke college student and will have to wait before I can do them all.

(sigh) Best Wishes. Our platinum version of the Attraction Control Monthly program is by far most popular option because of the 2 exclusive components that are only offered in platinum membership. These are the Attraction Pebbles video series as well as our Attraction Control Insights interviews. Not only do these 2 fantastic additions add so much more value to your subscription every month, they also fast track your progress. This is why our platinum members look forward to receiving every new edition of the Attraction Control Monthly series. Short answer, YES! Attraction pebbles are little phrases that you can say to a man, or little gestures that instantly get a man’s attention and escalate his desire for you.

The best thing is, these pebbles make you look high value high status and make men want to pursue you for emotional reasons. It is literally like throwing a small pebble of attraction that plants a seed inside of a man’s heart and mind. This seed is small to begin with, but it grows into a large network of attraction references inside a man’s head.

My man David is a world thought leader on how to create attraction and trigger emotional desire. He knows his stuff and he will be teaching these 'Attraction Pebbles' sessions in HD video inside the platinum members area. He will teach you WHAT to say, and more importantly, HOW to say it, in order for men to feel really connected to you, and want to be with you.

These pebbles will make you look like THE most interesting and high value woman in the room, even if you are in a room full of super models and celebrity actresses. These 'Attraction Pebbles' can be used as a sms text, an instant message, an email or as verbal communication. It doesn’t matter because the power of these pebbles lie inside certain language patterns. We’re talking about language patterns that make men feel connected to you, make men value your time and attention, make men desire you and want to be with you. Knowing how to throw these “attraction pebbles”a truly powerful skill to have for any woman, and I want you to become that woman that men adore! Every month, David will teach you a new type of Attraction Pebbles.

He will share with you the theory behind how it works, and then give you several pre-proven examples so that you can go out that day and use them for yourself. Renee, I want to let you know that your emails have really helped me to understand men so much better. For the last five years, it has been my mission to learn as much about attracting and keeping men as I possibly can.

Back in 2008, after a string of bad relationships, I began reading anything I could get my hands on that pertained to Male Psychology. I wanted to know everything about men, attracting and keeping them, what men want, etc, etc. I read books by different people, male or female, about how to be the kind of woman that make men swoon and what I learned finally paid off when I met Michael, my late husband.

Sadly, he passed away a year and a half ago and we weren’t married long when he died. But what time we spent together was such a blessing and he was so good to me. He always put me first, he treated me like a lady, put me on a pedestal and he worked hard to make a life for the both of us. And I feel like none of that would’ve been possible if it weren’t for people like you. You are a blessing, Renee. Keep doing what you are doing. A lot of women can learn from you.

And I thoroughly enjoy reading your emails. Thank you so much.

Hi Renee and David I've been following you for a while now and have gotten tons of useful information. I have already been through your commitment control program as well. I have to say though, your blog posts and your paid content has been totally transformational in my life. I've been through a tough divorce and sometimes it's hard to make sense of anything!

Your stuff has helped a lot but I still feel like there's a lot more for me to learn. Im looking for what else I can do to really get it. So far you've helped a whole heap. Thanks for doing what you do! This is exactly why we've included an episode of our Attraction Control Insights every month for our platinum members. You're probably wondering. What is this Attraction Control Insights series? These are exclusive high quality interviews that my man David and I recorded in search of answers from leading experts.

Here’s what I believe. If you want to learn something quickly you need multiple perspectives. You need to hear things from different people in different ways.

You want seek out different ways of looking at the problem. So this is exactly what David and I did. We went and searched for leaders in the field of dating and relationships and understanding men, someone who has some profound insights. Then we asked, pleaded, and sweet talked them into sharing their knowledge and expertise with us. Don’t get me wrong, sometimes it wasn’t so easy and we had to metaphorically twist their arm in order to secure an interview, but we did it. And I really think you’ll love the content in this series of Attraction Control Insights. So every month, you will get an exclusive interview that covers a special aspect of men, dating and relationships.

Our goal is to compress the expert’s 10 or 20 years of experience into an hour of insights! That’s right. I want you to take home both the first episode of Attraction Pebbles, and the first interview in the Attraction Control Insights series for FREE. All you have to do, is to order the 17 Attraction Triggers and choose the platinum option. All I hope for is that you’ll absolutely LOVE the content and want to continue on with the subscription.

Of course, there’s no obligation. That’s how I like to do business. The platinum membership is worth at least $100 per month, and not only will you be able to access the first month for free, but you will be able to continue the subscription at a much discounted $49 per months. Look, I know it’s scary to think that you may have to grow old alone. I know that it really feels terrible to feel unattractive, and undesirable to men. It destroys your self confidence, self esteem, and self value. But remember, this is not how it ends.

Emotional Trigger Phrases For Women

You are so much more than what you give yourself credit for. This is the beginning of a new journey for you and I, whereby you will start to feel worthy, attractive and happy at last. So here’s the way it works I want you to try this “17 Attraction Triggers” program, (and also the first volume of Attraction Control Monthly program), absolutely risk free.

Simply try it all out, and if you like what you see, do nothing. I will send you the 2nd volume after 30 days and I will bill you for the 2nd volume. (The basic membership is $29 per month after the first 30 days and the platinum membership is $49 per month after the first 30 days) If you decide for any reason at all, (or for no particular reason at all,) that this is not for you, then just let me know. You can do this via email, our helpdesk or even call in.

I don’t care how you do it, you just have to let me know! We will immediately cancel your subscription and take you off of our Attraction Control Monthly subscription program. You can keep everything anyway, because there’s really nothing to send back. This is like going to your favorite restaurant, ordering your favorite meal and if you don’t like the taste of it, then you can walk out without paying. This is probably the best, most RISK FREE deal you’ve ever seen.

You will always be protected by my 30 Day “Raving Fan” Guarantee. Simply try the whole thing out, and at the end of it, I want you to ask yourself “Have I experienced everything Renee promised to me? Am I a raving fan of this program?” Now I cannot predict your answer, only you can. But if the answer is not an absolute resounding “HELL YES!”, then I want you to ask for a refund. You know me, I don’t like to mess around. So if you decide for any reason at all, (or for no particular reason at all,) that this is not for you, then just ask for a refund. You can do this via email, our help desk or even call in.

I don’t care how you do it, you just have to let me know! We will immediately give you a full refund and you can keep all the knowledge, all the education that you’ve received, just as a way for me to thank you for taking the time. On the next page, you will be taken to our secure checkout page where you’ll have to option to use your credit card or your Paypal account. After the order goes through, I will send you via email, your access information as well as your receipt.

Make sure you grab yourself a cup of tea or coffee, and find somewhere comfortable to sit. You can open this program on your computer, your iPad or even your smart phone. The choice is yours. The more important choice here is which option do you feel like choosing? The 17 Attraction Triggers on its own? The basic membership or by far the most popular option of our platinum membership? If you’re at all skeptical about this, I understand.

You have every right to be. I’ve seen the garbage that’s being sold out there on the Internet.

– Most of it is pure rubbish. This is different. This is the real deal, no B.S. And of course, try it out right now risk free.

You really have nothing to lose. Again, thank you for taking the time out of your busy day to learn about this. If you have any questions at all, or any problems, you can contact me via my helpdesk. I look forward to hearing all the great results you achieve and also look forward to helping you in your love life for years to come! Shen & Renee Wade Founders of Shen Wade Media P.S. Look, if your gut right now is telling you to give this a go, then do yourself the favor of trusting your gut. After all, your gut instinct has never failed you.

Sometimes in order to fly, a small leap of faith is necessary. Just remember, you will always be protected by my “Raving Fan” guarantee! Try it out for 30 days, give me some feedback, and if you don’t like it for any reason or no particular reason, then just let me know! There’s no obligation for you to stay on the program. Just wanted to say a heartfelt “thank you” to both you and David for sooo much material and putting your whole being into it. I have greatly appreciated all the content. I have a lot of info and will continue to read and frankly I am still digesting it all.

After a break up I am planning to “Date” for awhile and really try some of these things out- give myself a chance to see what different men are like. Thank you- I will get on your blog Renee when I have something to report. Thankyou a thousand times. Wow this was such an eye opener! I never realized that this could be damaging to my relations with men until I read this email.

I stepped back and really thought about it for a while and all the moments my guy pulled away just clicked! You are really opening my eyes to things I never would have guessed. And every single piece of advice you give, I try out, and it has all worked! I have told tons of my girlfriends about your blog and I’m sure they will get the same results as me. Again, a big thanks for what you do! I want to do one of your programs, but I am a broke college student and will have to wait before I can do them all. (sigh) I was wondering which program you would recommend doing first??

Renee, I want to let you know that your emails have really helped me to understand men so much better. For the last five years, it has been my mission to learn as much about attracting and keeping men as I possibly can. Back in 2008, after a string of bad relationships, I began reading anything I could get my hands on that pertained to Male Psychology. I wanted to know everything about men, attracting and keeping them, what men want, etc, etc. I read books by different people, male or female, about how to be the kind of woman that make men swoon and what I learned finally paid off when I met Michael, my late husband. Sadly, he passed away a year and a half ago and we weren’t married long when he died. But what time we spent together was such a blessing and he was so good to me.

He always put me first, he treated me like a lady, put me on a pedestal and he worked hard to make a life for the both of us. And I feel like none of that would’ve been possible if it weren’t for people like you. You are a blessing, Renee.

Keep doing what you are doing. A lot of women can learn from you. And I thoroughly enjoy reading your emails. Thank you so much.

Hi Renee, It’s been over a year now since Sean and I have met, things are going really well. Your programme helped me to understand the balance between male and female and how to use it to become a better person for me and my family.

Thanks for helping me see the man of my dreams who i would have probably rejected in the past. It was not easy in the beginning but now we can’t help but feel united with each other and have love, support and admiration towards one another, something that is totally new to us. Thank you so much for this little series! I discovered your blog a couple weeks ago and even in that short amount of time I have taken your advice and applied it to my everyday life. I cant believe how much of a difference it makes! And its not just with my romantic life either, I feel different as a person. I feel happier and more comfortable in my skin.

And I have the mindset now that I have something to offer, and so I do and people respond so greatly to it! Greater than I ever thought! Its such an amazing feeling, so thank you for helping me to realize that I can be a high quality, feminine woman. It means everything! Keep doing what you are doing because it makes such a difference! Dear Renee, After reading lots of your e-mails and reading a few of your books, my love life has changed drastically (that’s an understatement). I’m proud to say that I finally understand men.

I understand that I must be a high-value woman in order to draw in the right man who will commit to me. Days after I had this break-through, Mr. Right just appeared!

And I even had random men approach me and notice me which NEVER used to happen. Not to mention the bitter, man-bashing women in my life began to grow very jealous and resentful of me and my new found positivity/compassion towards men. Let’s just say I now only surround myself with positive women who are very appreciative of the men in their lives. The current relationship I’m in is unlike any others I have been in (and I have been in way too many terrible ones).

This man worships the ground I walk on and does the most romantic things for me every single day. We have an intense connection and are ridiculously attracted to one another. Not once do I feel compelled to act out of a place of desperation with him. When he pulls away, I no longer see it in a negative light.

I support his me-time, guys’ night time, etc. And simply let him be.

Even if I don’t hear from him for hours or even an entire day, I feel no sense of worry or dread. Instead I do great things for myself and focus on my hobbies.

When we do see each other again, our attraction/connection is even more mind-blowing. It makes me happy to know that he has his life and I have my own, but we can share our lives too. This sort of respect isn’t something I’ve experienced before.

He keeps on telling me that he never thought a woman could actually get him. He literally thinks I’m a different species of woman! My fears of getting cheated on, mistreated, etc. My extremely negative misconceptions of men don’t taunt me anymore either. However, there is no way I can take full credit for this remarkable transformation. You, Renee, opened my eyes wide. The information you share is.extremely.

valuable even if some of it isn’t exactly easy to hear. Every woman should know about you and the amazing wisdom you have to offer. All these informative messages have been a true blessing to me. Thank you a million times!. Why Should I Learn This? What Will It Do for Me?

Men are genetically hardwired to respond and react to certain triggers, despite their age, background or beliefs. Unless you have a good grasp of what your man’s hot buttons are, it is very difficult to bring him close and have a relationship that is intimate.

If you’ve ever experienced a man going hot and cold on you, or perhaps losing interest altogether, then you need to study on what captivates a man’s attention, and trigger his attraction. These “Attraction Triggers” are like nature’s scientific laws, as consistent and as reliable as the law of gravity. If you apply them, they will work. Should I Go With the Basic or Platinum Membership? We believe that our “Platinum Membership” will instantly put you on the fast track, with the help of the Attraction Pebbles episodes and Attraction Control Insights interviews. The episodes of Attraction Pebbles themselves are worth upgrading to platinum for. Also, the platinum membership is by far the MORE popular choice and we recommended it for you too. Our members love it, and we believe you will too.

What if I'm already a member of Attraction Control Monthly? If you’re already a member of Attraction Control monthly, then first of all, I hope you’re really enjoying the valuable content and insights within every single volume. Of course you won’t have to sign up to Attraction Control Monthly again, nor will you have to purchase this report at the normal $47 price. Instead, you can purchase this report for a once off $7 ticket price, no subscription, no additional payments. Stating that you want the How to Stay High Value When He Pulls Away report for $7 because you’re already an ACM member. We do this because we care about all of our members, we appreciate your business and we appreciate your loyalty.

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Even though Attraction Control Monthly goes for a whole 12 months, there is absolutely no obligation to stay on for any period of time. Some of our previous members have paused their membership due to financial constraints, and then continued on months down the track. And to pause or cancel your membership, it is as easy as sending us an email, giving us a call, or sending our help desk a ticket.

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